Rabu, 26 November 2008

Lennons serve yourself..

knapa gw upload conspiracy di lagu ini??? krn lagu ini jd lagu kenangan gw era fuckin highschool

hmmmh langsung aja ah

pertama LAGU IMAGINE mucul di billboard chart september 18 , 1971  mencapai #1 dan berhasil bertahan selama 30 minggu  " IMAGINE"  adalah mayor keduanya Lennon setelah keluar dari Beatles  dilaunching  september 9  1971 ( US ) dan octagon  8  1971 ( UK ) , itu adalah album John's paling komersial dan sukses .  terutama karena direkam di studio rumahnya .track pertama pengisi album itu , IMAGINE , akan menjadi warisan Lennon untuk dunia hidup di pemberontakan melawan Tuhan.....

Here's the lyrics to Lennon's Imagine (1971):

Imagine there's no heaven 
It's easy if you try 
No hell below us 
Above us only sky 
Imagine all the people 
Living for today...
Imagine there's no countries 
It isn't hard to do 
Nothing to kill or die for 
And no religion too 
Imagine all the people 
Living life in peace...
You may say I'm a dreamer 
But I'm not the only one 
I hope someday you'll join us 
And the world will be as one
Imagine no possessions 
I wonder if you can 
No need for greed or hunger 
A brotherhood of man 
Imagine all the people 
Sharing all the world...
You may say I'm a dreamer 
But I'm not the only one 
I hope someday you'll join us 
And the world will live as one

 Did you read that? Lennon sang, "Imagine there's no heaven...it's EASY if you try." It's easy if you try?  WTF... easy to try ??

di lagu tersebut ,tersirat" unrealistic " hidup di pikiran dari para pendengar nya. dia melihat dunia  tanpa surga tanpa neraka ,tanpa agama, tanpa perang , Lennon's jelas bermimpi tidak memerlukan Tuhan dalam liriknya.

di  lagunya Lennon " god, " dia mengisyaratkan ketidakpercayaan pada ( nabi isa , Kennedy , budha , Muhammad,Elvis , Zimmerman , Beatles ) Lennon bernyanyi : " saya hanya percaya saya ( yoko dan saya ) dan itu kenyataan .

Here's some of the lyrics from John Lennon's blasphemous song, Serve Yourself...
 You say you found Jesus Christ
He’s the only one
You say you found Buddha
Sitting in the sun
You say you found Mohammed
Facing to the east
You say you found Krishna
Dancing in the seatsAin't nobody gonna do it for you
Well you may believe in devils
and you may believe in lords
But Christ, you're gonna have to serve yourself and that's all there is to it.
…You got to serve yourself
Ain't nobody gonna do it for you?
You gotta serve yourself
Nobody’s gonna do for you. 
Serve Yourself—Lennon Anthology

" barangkali ini waktunya untuk meninjau kembali syair2 tersaebut dalam pikiran kita  dan menambahkan Lennon dalam subjek daftar panjang para pembangkang ketuhanan dan   subjek untuk menyatakan dan mengingat akan kuasaNya  dari Lennon sang legenda.

 sayangnya , johnLennon ditemukan tak bernyawa di desember 8th , 1980 lennon SERVING YOURSELF 

click here fo download d "GOD"song

click here fo download d "imagine"song

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